User Posting Guidelines

Welcome to the NeoCurly community! We value your involvement and contributions to our platform. This User Contributions Policy, alongside the Terms of Use, outlines guidelines for your participation in tagging, sharing, messaging, submitting, writing, or posting various content, including photographs, videos, your social media handle, and more. These guidelines are applicable on our Website, Amazon pages, and various social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, and similar platforms.

The Website may feature quizzes, comment sections, reviews, social media sharing buttons, and other Interactive Services, enabling users to post content ("User Contributions") on the Website. User Contributions are treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. By posting on the Website, you grant us the right to use, reproduce, and disclose the material for any purpose.

You affirm that you own or control all rights to User Contributions, adhering to the Terms of Use. You are responsible for the legality, reliability, and appropriateness of your contributions. The Company is not liable for the content or accuracy of User Contributions, and you, not NeoCurly, bear full responsibility.

To uphold a positive and inclusive environment, we've established the following User Posting Guidelines. When engaging in our community, you agree to abide by these guidelines:

  • Respectful and Inclusive Language: Use respectful and inclusive language in your comments, reviews, or any content on NeoCurly. Avoid offensive, discriminatory, or harmful language that could negatively impact others in our community.
  • Relevant Content: Ensure that your posts are pertinent to the NeoCurly community, covering discussions, reviews, and contributions related to natural hair care, beauty, and our products. Off-topic posts may be subject to removal.
  • Authenticity and Transparency: Be authentic and transparent in your posts. If you're affiliated with NeoCurly in any way, disclose your relationship to maintain transparency. Misleading or deceptive content will not be tolerated.
  • No Spam or Promotions: Refrain from spamming or promoting unrelated products, services, or external websites. This includes self-promotion without contributing meaningful content to the community.
  • Constructive Criticism: Welcome constructive criticism, but express your feedback in a respectful manner. Avoid personal attacks or defamatory comments against individuals or the NeoCurly brand.
  • Intellectual Property: Respect intellectual property rights. Do not post content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or any other intellectual property of NeoCurly or third parties.
  • Privacy: Protect your privacy and the privacy of others. Avoid sharing personal information, contact details, or sensitive information in your posts.
  • Moderation and Enforcement: NeoCurly reserves the right to moderate and enforce these guidelines. Inappropriate content may be edited or removed without prior notice. Repeated violations may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of posting privileges.
  • Reporting Violations: If you come across any content that violates these guidelines, promptly report it to us using the reporting features available on our platform or contact our community moderation team at
  • Community Support: Foster a supportive community by encouraging positive interactions and providing helpful and encouraging feedback to fellow members.
  • Updates to Guidelines: NeoCurly may update these User Posting Guidelines periodically. Please review them regularly to stay informed about any changes.

Regarding monitoring and enforcement, we reserve the right to remove content at our discretion without prior notice. This action is necessary if a User Contribution violates our Terms of Use, poses a potential safety threat, or infringes upon intellectual property rights. Our commitment to maintaining a secure and respectful environment for all users guides these measures. We aim to ensure the integrity of our platform, protect individuals' rights, and uphold the standards outlined in our policies. Any content found to contravene these principles will be promptly addressed to maintain a positive and compliant community space.

Similar to many other websites, our platform incorporates content from third parties, including materials from users, bloggers, and third-party licensors, syndicators, aggregators, and/or reporting services. The opinions expressed in these materials, including articles and responses, excluding content provided by the Company, are the sole responsibility of the respective contributors. Such materials may not necessarily represent the views of the Company. We disclaim responsibility and liability for the content or accuracy of materials provided by third parties, whether on behalf of you or any other party.

Thank you for being part of the NeoCurly community!

Last Update: March 5, 2024